SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Rich Natole, a voice talent for, made an appearance on America’s Got Talent on the Tuesday, June 12, 2007 episode. Natole, a master impressionist, showed off his skills while doing a John Travolta impression. Natole began lending his voice to CheapBooks in 2005 with the start of a national radio campaign. He is also the trademark voice shouting “” in the television and radio commercials.

Over the years, Natole has appeared on virtually every television comedy show. Natole has hosted everything from game shows to major corporate award shows. He has also provided his talent to many charity events for The American Cancer Society and Muscular Dystrophy.

Rich Natole CheapBooks, Inc.’s website, founded in 1997, is a book price comparison website, which attracts many college students. Students are able to save money on textbooks by finding the lowest prices available online.

Students can shop by using their cell phone or PDA, so they can check book prices right from class as soon as they know which textbooks to buy.

Students can see which major bookstores have the best price by visiting Known for being cheap – books, movies, music and more, contact for more information.

[tags]Rich Natole, Voiceover Talent, cheapbooks national radio campaign[/tags]