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Ad News: ReverseVision VP of Sales and Marketing Wendy Peel named a 2020 NEXT...

Advertising NEWS: -- ReverseVision, the leading provider of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) and private reverse mortgage sales and origination technology, today announced that Vice President of Sales and Marketing Wendy Peel has been named a NEXT Mortgage Events (NEXT) 50 Over 50 honoree.

Launch: Drag Queen Story Hour Hosts World Pride Party 2020 via Livestream: Diverse Stories...

Product Launches: -- Drag Queen Story Hour announced its inaugural global pride celebration "Drag Queen Story Hour World Pride Party 2020," to be held Saturday, June 27, 2020, at 1 p.m. EDT (10 a.m. PDT / 6 p.m. BST / 7 p.m. CEST) as a livestream. Timed to coincide with the observance of LGBTQ Pride in several cities across the globe.

Launch: AARP Maryland announces Press Conference announcing PROTECT Week 2020

Product Launches: -- Media Advisory -- AARP Maryland announces Press Conference announcing PROTECT Week (Preventing Older Americans From Financial Exploitation) Statewide Public Education Campaign, Monday, June 15, 2020 at 10 a.m. ET.

Ad News: DepthPR Founder Kerri Milam Named Among Influential Women in Mortgage Industry

Advertising NEWS: -- Depth Public Relations (DepthPR), a leading provider of consultative marketing, public relations and reputation management services for the mortgage lending and residential finance industries, today announced company Founder and President Kerri S. Milam is a recipient of the Powerhouse Award recognizing influential female leaders in the mortgage sphere.

Launch: Better Topics is a new card game for couples and families stuck at...

Product Launches: -- A new card game is on the horizon that has the potential to strengthen and improve relationships. Better Topics, a replayable card game created by Diana and Robert Indries, is a catalyst to help people have more fun, more meaningful conversations and better communication.

Ad News: RevelOne named a Top 50 Search Firm in the US for 2020...

Advertising NEWS: -- RevelOne, the largest marketing-specialized search firm in the U.S., was recognized by Hunt Scanlon as a Top 50 Search Firm by revenue according to their recently released annual industry rankings. RevelOne's revenues grew 66% year over year, which puts it in the Top 3 fastest growing search firms in the U.S.

Launch: New Music: WordPlay T. Jay ‘putting in Overtime’ – Eighth album tackles work,...

Product Launches: -- On The Map Music Group announces June 26, 2020 for release of hip hop artist WordPlay T. Jay's eighth album since 2007, dedicated to his dreams, family, spiritual life, ambitions and hard work over the years "putting in Overtime."

Ad News: Valuegraphics Survey: What your Choice of Quarantini says about You

Advertising NEWS: -- During your COVID-19 quarantine, in those Zoom socials, was gin your preferred spirit in your martini shaker? If it was, here's what we know about you and your cohort of gin drinkers, according to The Valuegraphics Database and a new global analysis of what people all over the world care about most - and by extension how they will behave.

Launch: Evergreen Medical Acupuncture launches supplement and herbal products: Dr. Fick’s Functional Farmacy

Product Launches: -- Combining the use of Eastern and Western philosophy of Holistic Medicine, Dr. Christina Fick, of Evergreen Medical Acupuncture, has created a carefully selected offering of CGMP (certified good manufacturing practice), and organic certified supplements and herbal products that provide a well-balanced approach to healing.

Launch: New podcast covers the voice acting community, hosted by Voices.com CEO David Ciccarelli

Product Launches: -- Voices.com, the world's leading marketplace for voice over services, is excited to announce the launch of a new podcast, "The Voices Experience." Hosted by Voices.com founder and CEO David Ciccarelli, "The Voices Experience" is a glimpse behind the curtains at the tech company and an exploration of the voice acting community