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Launch: Gainesville Dev Academy in Florida Launches Income Share Agreements to Expand Access to...

Product Launches: -- Gainesville Dev Academy, a Florida company that offers professional advancement training for Web and Mobile application development, has announced today the launch of an Income Share Agreement program. Through this program, Gainesville Dev Academy will now offer students the ability to undergo training and pay their tuition only when they have completed the program and have achieved gainful employment.

Launch: New FeelU is simple to use mobile messaging app allowing students to communicate...

Product Launches: -- "Depression, isolation, bullying, anxiety, suicides, and school shootings are more prevalent today than ever before," says the 17-year-old high school junior and the co-founder of FeelU, Amaan Jiwani.

Launch: VLP Law Group Adds Rob Buccieri, Launches Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Group

Product Launches: -- VLP Law Group LLP is pleased to announce that Rob Buccieri has joined as a partner in the firm's newly formed Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Group. Mr. Buccieri brings over twenty years of experience and is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Ad News: EPIC Risk Consulting adds Awareness and Communications Pros Jon Williams, TJ Rosenberg...

Advertising NEWS: -- EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants, a retail property and casualty insurance brokerage and employee benefits consultant, announced today the hiring of Jon Williams, TJ Rosenberg, and Dale Smith to lead the Awareness & Communications Practice as Managing Directors within EPIC Risk Consulting.

Launch: Country Walkers Debuts New Flex-Guided Travel Option, Destinations and 2020 Itineraries

Product Launches: -- With growing demand from travelers to discover and experience the best of the world on their own terms, Country Walkers, the leading provider of walking adventures, today announced the addition of a new travel option: Flex-Guided tours.

Launch: Jewelers Health Care: Healthcare Coverage Savings and Benefits Now Offered to American Gem...

Product Launches: -- The American Gem Society (AGS) is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with MJM Global Insurance Brokerage Group, which will offer access to healthcare coverage to the Society's membership, for those wishing to participate.

Launch: Papa Inc’s ‘Grandkids On-demand’ for Seniors Launches Nationwide Expansion in 7 New US...

Product Launches: -- Papa, a leader in the Elder Tech industry announced they have expanded services to California, Illinois, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Papa is expanding beyond its current markets of 19 cities throughout Florida, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Papa Pals support older adults with transportation, household chores, technology, and companionship. The Papa Pals are like "Grandkids On-demand!"

Launch: Health Enthusiast Jeff Mirro launches New Weight Loss Blog Providing Intermittent Dry Fasting...

Product Launches: -- Health enthusiast Jeff Mirro has announced a new blog - JeffMirro.com - that gives free advice on intermittent dry fasting to lose weight and cure health problems. It draws from the collected experience and knowledge of many of the most influential online experts and motivates people to lose weight, heal, and rejuvenate.

Ad News: New Visual Survey from The Technoskeptic Shows Over 27 percent Occupied with...

Advertising NEWS: -- More than a quarter of people in America's public places are somehow occupied with digital devices. That's according to a new visual survey by The Technoskeptic. The magazine examined behavior at various urban crossroads across the country, categorizing different modes of digital distraction. The results make up the cover story of their summer issue, available nationally beginning June 24.

Launch: Intelligent Office to Open a New Facility in Burlingame, Calif. July 2019

Product Launches: -- Intelligent Office, a virtual, professionally staffed office space for mobile executives, small businesses, professional services firms, and independent contractors, is announcing the opening of a San Francisco Bay Area Peninsula site.