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Advertising Industry Headlines – Business news for and from the advertising and marketing world

Ad News: Women.NFT Event: Digitl Mediums Marks Women’s History Month by Co-Hosting Woman-Centric NFT...

Advertising NEWS: -- Outernational Holdings, LLC (dba Digitl Mediums) is proud to recognize and celebrate women and girls this month around the world in celebration of Women's History Month. Digitl Mediums is committed to continuing its efforts to promote gender equality with meaningful partnerships, celebratory packaging and global storytelling efforts.

Ad News: Real Estate Tech Firm Swift Homes Partners with KBME on Houston Marketing...

Advertising NEWS: -- Today, Swift Homes announced a partnership with KBME Sports talk 790AM on a marketing campaign in Houston, Texas to help build awareness of Swift Homes' benefits and seller-friendly offerings that are available to consumers who are looking for real estate advice and services.

Ad News: Keep Local Dollars Local with YIFTEE: Sponsor-driven Community eGift Card sales generate...

Advertising NEWS: -- In pandemic years 2020 and 2021, more than 100 of Yiftee's almost 400 communities who use its Community eGift Card platform ran dedicated gift card grant or bonus programs to benefit their small businesses, helping them stay afloat. Who were the "hometown heroes" that sponsored these programs during tough times, and continue to do so?

Ad News: Sales Boomerang partners with Bonzo to enable automated mortgage marketing with personality

Advertising NEWS: -- Sales Boomerang, the mortgage industry's top-rated automated borrower intelligence and retention system, today announced its integration with Bonzo, an omnichannel sales engagement platform designed to scale the voice of mortgage advisors so they can attract, convert and retain clients on autopilot.

Ad News: Swift Homes Partners with WOAI AM Radio on Marketing Campaign in San...

Advertising NEWS: -- Today, Swift Homes announced a partnership with WOAI News Radio 1200am on a marketing campaign in San Antonio to help build awareness of Swift Homes' benefits and seller-friendly offerings that are available to consumers who are looking for real estate advice and services.

Ad News: Automobile marketing agency, SOKAL, Signs McLaughlin Ford

Advertising NEWS: -- Automobile marketing agency, Sokal, recently signed as agency of record for McLaughlin Ford. Commencing on April 1, 2022, the Raleigh, North Carolina marketing agency, Sokal, will launch and craft a new strategy of digital advertising for the Sumter, South Carolina, McLaughlin Ford dealership.

Ad News: To deliver complex, transformational change for business, Amplify-Now and Asteri Partners combine...

Advertising NEWS: -- Amplify-Now, a leading global provider of Strategy Execution Management (SEM) software, and Asteri Partners, a North American advisory and analytics firm, are excited to announce a new partnership that will help companies deliver complex, transformational change.

Ad News: Real Estate Technology Firm Swift Homes Partners with WYGM on Marketing Campaign...

Advertising NEWS: -- Today, Swift Homes announced a partnership with WYGM FM 96.9 on a marketing campaign in Central Florida and Orlando to help build awareness of Swift Homes' benefits and seller-friendly offerings that are available to consumers who are looking for real estate advice and services.

Ad News: Sokal Showcases Digital Advertising Solutions at 2022 NADA Show

Advertising NEWS: -- Sokal, a full-service advertising agency with offices in Raleigh and Charlotte, N.C., will be exhibiting at the NADA Show in Las Vegas, NV beginning on March 11. They will be showcasing their suite of digital advertising products, as well as their website technology which is powered by their Momentum platform.

Ad News: Amanda Wittstrom Higgins Launches Full Cup Solutions for future-forward agriculture and beverage...

Advertising NEWS: -- Leveraging her knowledge of - and networks in - all aspects of the alcohol beverage space and propelled by a deep personal investment in the agricultural world, industry notable and business strategist Amanda Wittstrom Higgins recently launched Full Cup Solutions, a full-service firm specializing in results driven unconventional planning in the marketing, sales, operations, employee development sectors and beyond.