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Launch: The First Touchless Pizza Serving Plate for Restaurants – No HandL Portion PadL

Product Launches: -- Nuova Vita Corporation is excited to announce the launch of the first No HandL Portion PadL with the Touchless Pizza Border. This next generation pizza serving plate is designed for today's sanitization standards and makes other serving plates obsolete.

Launch: 12 Free Virtual Monthly Webinars Aimed at Supporting Elder Care Professionals Prevent Abuse...

Product Launches: -- Since the coronavirus pandemic began, it has changed the world, our community, and the elder care industry as we know it. Given the immense impact on seniors and older disabled adults, it is more important than ever to support our elder community care systems. Taking the lead in addressing these issues is Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa, Solano and Alameda with the launch of their 12-month Elder Justice Lunch and Learn Series.

Launch: NEW BOOK: ‘Reimagining In 2020: Poems: First Reflections’ by author Laura Keller-Wolff

Product Launches: -- Eight One 818 Publishing announces a new book release, "Reimagining In 2020: Poems: First Reflections" (ISBN: 978-1733941235) by Laura Keller-Wolff. Response to a world pandemic comes in many forms. Sheltering in place, one poet finds deeper vision facing the urgencies of radical change.

Launch: New Book: ‘Beating the Enemy: How Vitamin D Could Help Fight COVID-19’ by...

Product Launches: -- New cutting-edge self-help book, "Beating the Enemy: How Vitamin D Could Help Fight COVID-19" (ISBN: 978-1716882661) just released by Shirley Amy BSC, offers readers a clear understanding of why getting enough vitamin D is so crucial during this pandemic.

Launch: ‘George Floyd Memorial Bust’ by Sculptor Rodman Edwards Released at No Cost for...

Product Launches: -- A memorial bust of George Floyd will be available to everyone supporting the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests all over the globe. The George Floyd memorial bust 3D printing file is available for free at Sketchfab and is a presentation of love from the sculptors to the Floyd family and protesters at large, announced Cory Allen Contemporary Art.

Launch: Peaceful Playgrounds: elementary schools across America are searching for safe way to offer...

Product Launches: -- A pandemic recess solution is being released by Peaceful Playgrounds Inc. A 6-foot Distancing Playground, the brainchild of award-winning educator and playground designer, Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, is an answer sure to thrill millions of children as they return to school in the fall. Why? Dr. Bossenmeyer has saved recess!

Launch: New Version of Artify HCM Released announced by MBA Fakhro Group

Product Launches: -- MBA Fakhro Group has released the latest version of its Artify HCM software to address the needs of US businesses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new Human Capital Management product includes a number of AI upgrades that make the product unique.

Ad News: Top of Mind Lead Project Manager Maggie Mae Named a 2020 HousingWire...

Advertising NEWS: -- Top of Mind Networks (Top of Mind), a leader in customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation software for the mortgage lending industry, today announced that Lead Project Manager Maggie Mae has been named a recipient of HousingWire's 2020 Rising Stars award. Now in its seventh year, the HW Rising Stars award program honors the housing industry's most influential professionals aged 40 and under.

Launch: Illinois Teenager Creates COVID I.D. Wristbands to Educate and Raise Awareness

Product Launches: -- What started out as a small family project for three teenagers concerned for their grandparents' safety during quarantine has taken off with the launch of COVID-19 Wristband, LLC. Kenna Royce, 17, and her two younger brothers, Hayden and Colby, launched an innovative effort to help others communicate and encourage safe social distancing practices during the pandemic.

Launch: iMobie Releases AnyUnlock to Remove Various iPhone Locks Instantly

Product Launches: -- iMobie, a tech company who is devoted to making digital life easy & efficient for global users, announced a new product release: AnyUnlock - iPhone Password Unlocker! It can unlock various passwords for iOS devices securely and quickly, including Apple ID, screen passcode, Screen Time passcode, and even encrypted iTunes backup, with the highest success rate.