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Advertising Industry Headlines – Business news for and from the advertising and marketing world

Ad News: Sokal Opens Spacious New Office in Charlotte NC Area

Advertising NEWS: -- Sokal, a leader in automobile advertising in North Carolina, opened a new, cutting-edge office space in the Charlotte area. Sokal has been a long-time frontrunner in the competitive automobile marketing business.

Ad News: 95Visual is pleased to announce the launch of Blue River Pharmacy’s new...

Advertising NEWS: -- 95Visual is pleased to announce the launch of Blue River Pharmacy's new website. The primary goal during the process was to improve the navigation of Blue River's vast product offering.

Ad News: Mold Inspection Sciences Texas adds New Business Development Professional, Chris Gardner, to...

Advertising NEWS: -- Mold Inspection Sciences Texas, one of the state's largest mold inspection and testing companies, is proud to welcome new hire Chris Gardner to its staff. Chris will play a vital role in securing new business development leads and nurturing commercial customer relationships.

Ad News: Valentis Security welcomes Joseph Ortiz as new Business Development Lead in Pittsburgh

Advertising NEWS: -- Valentis Security is proud to announce and welcome Joseph Ortiz as its new Business Development/Inside Sales Lead. Ortiz will be responsible for business development throughout the markets that Valentis is licensed to operate in.

Ad News: Strategist Loren Weisman joins Fish Stewarding Group to cover the brand messaging...

Advertising NEWS: -- Fish Stewarding Group is pleased to announce that Loren Weisman has joined The Fish Stewarding Group. A Brand Messaging Strategist that looks deeply into the psychological aspects of messaging, Weisman will strategize in the areas of brand discovery, brand development, brand compliance as well as brand audits and the overall messaging and optics strategies.

Ad News: Out Leadership Hires New Global Head of Events, Chris Frederick

Advertising NEWS: -- Out Leadership, the only business organization working globally to promote LGBT+ equality is delighted to announce that Chris Frederick is joining the leadership team. This follows a three-month strategic review of the organization as it approaches a decade in business and is prompted by strong growth.

Ad News: ‘Christians in the Mirror,’ a first-of-its-kind independent documentary, now on PRIME Video

Advertising NEWS: -- "Christians in the Mirror," a first-of-its-kind independent documentary produced by Joshuacord, Inc. and In Altum Productions, takes a hard look at how America and the West have not been very involved in the global persecution of Christians. The producers say they're creating a social media marketing plan for this indie film that interviews Christians from the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Ad News: Behavioral Data Analysis Innovator, Fanplayr, Opens Latin American HQ in Mexico City

Advertising NEWS: -- Fanplayr, a leader in targeted ecommerce conversion solutions, announced it has opened a new corporate hub in Mexico City. Located in the prestigious Polanco district, Fanplayr's headquarters for Latin America (LATAM) has been in operation since September.

Ad News: The Hatchery: Whole Brain Consulting to speak at food industry incubator Dec....

Advertising NEWS: -- Chicago Illinois area's William Madden, co-founder and senior partner of Whole Brain Consulting, is scheduled to present at The Hatchery from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on December 2, 2019.

Ad News: ENX2 Legal Marketing CEO Nicole Farber Named to NSBA Leadership Council

Advertising NEWS: -- Nicole Farber, CEO of digital marketing agency ENX2 Marketing in Dallas, Pennsylvania, was recently named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership Council.