BOONTON, N.J. — Despite slowdowns and spending cuts in many industries, overall spending by all U.S. businesses on wired and cellular calling is forecasted to reach nearly $140 billion by the close of 2009, says a new market research report from INSIGHT Research. The study predicts that cellular calling will account for just over 41 percent of the U.S. corporate phone bill for telecommunication services in 2009, and is the fastest growing expense area.

insightINSIGHT’s newly released market analysis report, Telecom Services in Vertical Markets 2008-2013, reveals that wireless service revenues are expected to grow at a compounded rate of nearly 16 percent annually from 2008 to 2013, while growth in wired services remains essentially flat. The biggest spenders on cellular services will come from four market segments: construction; financial, insurance, and real estate; professional business services; and transportation.

The study analyzes 14 vertical industries categorized by the NAICS, and focuses on corporate spending for wireline and wireless telecommunications services in each of the 14 industries.

“Even without the current recession, revenue growth in wireline services was not forecasted,” says Robert Rosenberg, President of INSIGHT. “It is continued demand for wireless services that is keeping the telecom industry in the black, though that demand is going to be uneven across the various business sectors,” Rosenberg concludes.

An excerpt of this market research report, table of contents, and ordering information are available online at: .

This 114-page report is available immediately for $3,995 (hard copy). Electronic (PDF) reports can be ordered online.

[tags]Telecom Services in Vertical Markets 2008-2013, INSIGHT Research Corp, market research report, Robert Rosenberg[/tags]