KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA /Advertising Industry Newswire/ — Are you interested in creating a message for the world to see? A new Website, Tallesthomepageoninternet.com, may be the answer. So, what exactly does the “tallest” home page mean? It means just what it says. It is the first Website on the Internet which has a homepage that is taller than ordinary height. When printed out, it is over 250 pages long or more than 240,000 pixels tall.

“The homepage is ideal for small business owners with Web sites who have limited budgets for advertising, but require lengthy exposure,” Mohd Zamhoudi, co-creator of the Website, explained. “It is also perfect for couples to post love messages; announcements from online communities; and the general news and information-surfing public.”There are 5,714 text boxes for sale. Some have already been sold or reserved. Each text box can fit a maximum of 100 characters, including space characters – promoting readability. Millions will see this homepage and it will be online for at least 10 years. Each textbox is $127, or $1.27 per character. There are no recurring fees or hidden costs. “We hope to raise enough money to pay for our student loans and credit cards,” Mohd and Norshiima, Mohd’s wife, explained. “We’re planning to start a small business and to hopefully become millionaires in the process. A career in entrepreneurship may be our next goal!”

Mohd and Norshiima work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They studied at the same university where she focused on business administration and he studied computers.

Having experience in the fields of Internet marketing, sales and e-book publishing, the couple brainstormed ideas in which they could use their skills to create a Website that was unique and fun! They are planning to pursue their MBA degrees at a local university this year and will continue maintaining the Website.

Customers can use any text characters they like, including special characters. Messages must be in English since it is the most used language on the Internet. However, libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive, illegal, or otherwise objectionable messages will not be considered for posting.

Individual message posters and businesses may also purchase more than one text box for different purposes; the choice is theirs. So, check it out and happy “textboxing!”

More information: http://www.tallesthomepageoninternet.com/

News Source: Mohd and Norshiima Zamhoudi
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