KANSAS CITY, KS /Advertising Industry Newswire/ — Pivotal View, Inc. today launched PodcastFusion.com, a new podcast directory service with more than 18,000 podcast listings. Podcast Fusion offers intuitive search features that allow users to easily find and preview some of the best audio and video podcasts on the Internet.

Podcast FusionRegistered users of the site will have the ability to bookmark podcasts and manage them in their personal ‘myFusion’ page. This area of the site also features OPML feed manager capabilities for synchronization of bookmarked feeds with desktop podcast aggregators, like Juice, allowing for automated downloads of audio and video files to the user’s desktop system or MP3 player.

This functionality gives the user a complete solution for managing both online and offline access to their favorite podcasts.

The site can be found at www.podcastfusion.com

About Pivotal View, Inc.

Pivotal View, Inc. is a privately held interactive media company specializing in Internet broadcasting solutions. The company was founded in 2002.

News Source: Pivotal View, Inc.
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