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Tag: British Columbia Business

Launch: A Powerful Romance Of One Woman’s Journey With Grief And Hope: 91-Year-Old Colleen...

Product Launches: -- A romantic fictional story that follows a long-time single mother's experience with grief, hope, faith, and healing. "Find Me on 4th Street" (ISBN: 978-0228884606; paperback) is Vancouver, B.C. author Colleen Kanten Carbol's debut novel at the age of 91.

Launch: New book by Dr. Paul G. Swingle illuminates the real life impacts of...

Product Launches: -- Author Paul G. Swingle's new novel "Silhouette" (ISBN: 979-8545559596; released Aug., 2022) delivers a brilliant and deceptively simple story, giving us insight into the hearts of two lonely souls. They gaze at each other from a distance, dreaming of forming a bond. Will their fears, depression, and anxiety prevent them from connecting?

Launch: Syncontext proudly unveils a new cloud-based end-to-end fulfillment optimization system

Product Launches: -- Syncontext Supply Chain, an international supply chain technology firm based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, today announced the release of its new and innovative end-to-end fulfillment optimization system, SKUstream™, along with unveiling a fresh, new corporate identity.

Ad News: America’s Values in 2020: Valuegraphics Survey shows Patriotism is the #1 priority,...

Advertising NEWS: -- Among the 56 core human values that The Valuegraphics Database measures, the average American ranks "Belonging" ahead of "Family" and "Relationships" - a result that reflects the very strong national pride in the U.S.

Ad News: Valuegraphics Survey: What your Choice of Quarantini says about You

Advertising NEWS: -- During your COVID-19 quarantine, in those Zoom socials, was gin your preferred spirit in your martini shaker? If it was, here's what we know about you and your cohort of gin drinkers, according to The Valuegraphics Database and a new global analysis of what people all over the world care about most - and by extension how they will behave.

Ad News: InstaCake Cards are Ideal Way to Share Virtual Celebrations with Real Cakes

Advertising NEWS: -- InstaCake has figured out the perfect way for people to share their love - even if they're quarantined at home alone. These cakes in a card are ideal for just about anyone who has something to celebrate - a birthday, anniversary, job promotion and more.