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Ad News: Venturist, Inc. New Virtual Strategy Academy and Virtual Strategy Development Programs Are...

Advertising NEWS: -- Venturist, Incorporated announced today that its new Virtual Strategy Academy and Virtual Strategy Development Programs are ready to go!

Ad News: Jordan Etem Networks is ‘Not A Good Fit’ for Limiting Environments

Advertising NEWS: -- Not all environments are created equal. Some environments are designed to limit. Some environments are designed for growth. The verdict is in: Jordan Etem and his network (Jordan Etem Networks) is meant for the latter, for growth environments.

Ad News: Venturist’s New Prometheus Video Strategy Program Is Now Available for Use by...

Advertising NEWS: -- Venturist, Incorporated announced today that its new Prometheus Strategy video course is now open for subscription. The Prometheus Process is designed explicitly so that companies and individuals can learn the process and use it to build and execute winning strategies that they understand and to which they are committed.