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Launch: Fluid Metering, Inc. unveils FENYX advanced miniaturized fluidic system

Product Launches: -- Fluid Metering Inc., a leading manufacturer of fluid control solutions, proudly announces the debut of its groundbreaking variable dispense pump, FENYX (patent pending), heralding a new era of fluidic precision. Crafted to meet the evolving needs of the life sciences field, the FENYX integrates an advanced miniaturized fluidic system, enabling precise control of microliter volumes across a wide spectrum of applications.

Launch: Fluid Metering Inc. launches the FDD Direct Drive Pump Series to address today’s...

Product Launches: -- Fluid Metering Inc. (FMI), the world's leading developer and manufacturer of precision fluid control solutions, is pleased to announce the expansion of its portfolio to address today's demanding microfluidic applications.