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Tag: commercial air filtration systems

Launch: LuciGold is Helping Protect Health and Safety of Our Community One Breath at...

Product Launches: -- LuciGold today announced the development of our newest product line, Hygeia (patent pending*), a custom designed line of furniture with built-in High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filtration Systems.

Launch: New Indoor Airspace Management Tech from Polar Controller, Inc. Mitigates Possible Spread of...

Product Launches: -- Now that the country is beginning to come out of lockdown, indoor airspace management is becoming a concern in managing the spread of COVID-19 according to Polar Controller. Unlike outdoor airspace, which scatters aerosol droplets over a larger area, indoor particulates hitch a ride on airspace currents, dispersing throughout business establishments.

Ad News: Matrix Systems Announces Newly Redesigned Website for its Air Filtration Solutions

Advertising NEWS: -- Matrix Systems announces the launch of its redesigned website. The site has been updated with a new look and feel that incorporates the latest features of online web design, as well as optimizing the site for mobile devices such as phones and tablets.