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Tag: Electronic Medical Records

Launch: Curamei Technologies Announces Launch of Platform Enabling Patients to Take Charge of Their...

Product Launches: -- The new Curamei platform seeks to improve quality of care by putting patients at the center of the exchange of health data with providers, overcoming the challenges of fragmentation. Almost universally, receiving high-quality affordable healthcare is recognized as an expensive and inconvenient affair.

Launch: Simprints Launches 2nd Generation of their SecuGen Based Fingerprint Scanner, Vero 2.0

Product Launches: -- Simprints, a Cambridge, UK-based biometrics company, develops Vero 2.0,​ an evolution of their original Vero scanner, based on SecuGen's fingerprint module, to improve the distribution of healthcare, microfinance, and aid to the poor around the world.

Launch: Knapsack Health launches a free PHR for individuals, families and caretakers

Product Launches: -- Bringing together a team of Clinical Leaders, Healthcare IT Professionals and Software experts, the Knapsack Health mobile application is designed to flourish in the Interoperability and Blockchain movement that is currently happening in Healthcare.