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Ad News: MEGA Goaltending has launched an emotional video ad with a plea from...

Advertising NEWS: -- MEGA Goaltending, a company committed to teaching players and coaches the proper goaltending skills and fundamentals, has launched an emotional video ad with a plea from kids talking directly to their coaches. The campaign's goal is to make sure youth hockey associations are properly trained when it comes to coaching their young goalies.

Launch: ‘Rivalry On Ice’ Harvard versus Yale – Commemorative Legacy Timepiece Collection offered by...

Product Launches: -- Beverly Hills California is known for bringing you the absolute best in sports entertainment such as Cricket All Stars and PGA Golf Tournaments. On January 11, the teams of Harvard and Yale hit the ice at Madison Square Garden with "Rivalry On Ice" and Craig Shelly Beverly Hills is the first to bring you the Commemorative Time Pieces commemorating this event.

Launch: MY SPORTS VOTE -The Only Sports App where Fans’ Votes and Opinions are...

Product Launches: -- Since yelling at the TV just doesn't cut it, My Sports Vote has launched a new app for enthusiastic sports fans. It allows users to have their voices heard through votes and opinions, which are shared with teams and league offices.