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Tag: inclusion

Launch: New Children’s Book Series Offers Vaccine for Racism, Inequality, and Hate: ‘What I...

Product Launches: -- Author/Educator and Chiropractor based in Santa Monica, Dr. Todd Gewant, today announced the release of his 2nd book in the "What I Wish I Was Told" children's book series, "What I Wish I Was Told: Part 2: A Poetic Guide To Unite Us All" (ISBN: 979-8696235394).

Launch: Move to Include: Six PBS Stations Join National Initiative to Break Stereotypes of...

Product Launches: -- July 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of President Bush signing into law the Americans with Disabilities Act. In celebration of this civil rights law, WXXI Public Media (Rochester, New York) is leading a pilot project to expand its innovative "Move to Include" initiative into five additional communities.