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Ad News: 61% of marketers have increased direct mail investments in the last year:...

Advertising NEWS: -- New industry research commissioned by SeQuel Response and conducted by ISG Research shows 61% of marketers have increased direct mail investments in the last year, up 12% from 2023 data. The 2024 Direct Mail Marketing Benchmark Report provides an analysis of the current direct mail marketing landscape.

Ad News: 2023 Direct Mail Marketing Benchmark Report reveals 89% of marketers have increased...

Advertising NEWS: -- New industry research commissioned by SeQuel Response and conducted by ISG Research shows 89% of marketers have increased or maintained direct mail investments in the last year, up 3% from 2022 data. The 2023 Direct Mail Marketing Benchmark Report provides an analysis of the current direct mail marketing landscape.

Ad News: Direct Mail is Not Dead: New industry research commissioned by SeQuel Response...

Advertising NEWS: -- New industry research commissioned by SeQuel Response and conducted by NAPCO Research, shows 86% of marketers have increased or maintained direct mail use in the last twelve months. The research report is titled, "Direct Mail: Signed, Sealed, and Still Delivering Results."

Ad News: Keep Local Dollars Local with YIFTEE: Sponsor-driven Community eGift Card sales generate...

Advertising NEWS: -- In pandemic years 2020 and 2021, more than 100 of Yiftee's almost 400 communities who use its Community eGift Card platform ran dedicated gift card grant or bonus programs to benefit their small businesses, helping them stay afloat. Who were the "hometown heroes" that sponsored these programs during tough times, and continue to do so?

Ad News: MEGA Goaltending has launched an emotional video ad with a plea from...

Advertising NEWS: -- MEGA Goaltending, a company committed to teaching players and coaches the proper goaltending skills and fundamentals, has launched an emotional video ad with a plea from kids talking directly to their coaches. The campaign's goal is to make sure youth hockey associations are properly trained when it comes to coaching their young goalies.

Ad News: Jody Johnson of SeQuel Response Selected as 2021 Women in Business Honoree...

Advertising NEWS: -- SeQuel Response is pleased to announce that Jody Johnson, CFO/COO, was selected for the 2021 Women in Business award by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. After receiving hundreds of nominations, the Business Journal recognizes just 50 women who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievements, leadership qualities and community contributions throughout the Twin Cities.

Launch: Heated Menstrual Cup Kickstarter Project Announced for Safe and Eco-Friendly Relief from Premenstrual...

Product Launches: -- Women's health enthusiast Abyan Nur and her team are introducing the Heated Menstrual Cup to help women find relief from menstrual pain and reduce or eliminate dependence on over-the-counter medication.

Ad News: SeQuel Response announced that its recently promoted Chief Strategist, Erik Koenig, is...

Advertising NEWS: -- SeQuel Response is pleased to announce that its recently promoted President & Chief Strategist, Erik Koenig, is now an official equity partner in the agency. Effective April 1, 2021, Koenig joins founding partners Jay Carroll, Co-Founder & CEO and Tom Rothstein, Co-Founder.

Launch: We ‘Self Talk’ Because We Are Born With Three Individual Personalities says author...

Product Launches: -- Sidekick Services Corporation has published a new book titled "The Theory of Personality," subtitled "The Three Of Us," which identifies an ancient belief that all of us are born with three individual personalities.

Launch: SIMEK’S Launches Holiday Recipe Magazine with 2020 Holiday Recipes and Gift Guide

Product Launches: -- SIMEK'S has been a holiday tradition for generations, so while this holiday season may feel different, it doesn't have to taste different. SIMEK'S has compiled their favorite holiday recipes using both their Premium Meatballs and All-Natural Lasagnas.