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Tag: Mortgage eClosing

Launch: NotaryCam Launches ‘Done For You’ eClosing Program to Streamline Lenders’ Path to Electronic...

Product Launches: -- NotaryCam®, a Stewart-owned company and a pioneering provider of remote online notarization technology for real estate and legal transactions, today announced the launch of its "Done For You" eClosing program. This innovative offering provides lenders with the fastest path to eClosings while requiring minimal effort, effectively addressing common hurdles that have traditionally impeded eClosing implementation.

Launch: New DocMagic fintech automates intricacies of preparing documents for an eClosing

Product Launches: -- DocMagic, Inc., the premier provider of fully-compliant loan document preparation, regulatory compliance and comprehensive eMortgage services, today announced the launch of AutoPrep, a new technology that enables the company's Total eClose™ platform to accept documents from any source - including non-e-enabled documents.

Launch: International Document Services (IDS) Adds Full Mortgage eClosing Capabilities with Release of ClickToClose

Product Launches: -- Mortgage document preparation vendor International Document Services, Inc. (IDS), announced it has augmented its flagship doc prep platform idsDoc to include full eClosing capabilities through a new service called ClickToClose.