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Launch: Fintech Innovator, OpenClose Launches Mobile Assist Native Mobile App Platform

Product Launches: -- OpenClose®, the leading fintech provider of mortgage software solutions for banks, credit unions and mortgage lenders, today announced the launch of its native mobile app platform, Mobile Assist™. Mobile Assist adds features and functionality to make originators more successful with a real-time omnichannel device platform.

Launch: OpenClose Announces RESTful API Suite, Expanding Connectivity to Third Party Fintech Apps and...

Product Launches: -- OpenClose, an industry-leading multi-channel loan origination system (LOS) and mortgage fintech provider, announced the release of a RESTful API suite designed to offer its customers an easier, more cost effective and secure standardized solution to enable rich and deep direct interactions with their system of record from third party and home grown systems.

Launch: OpenClose Launches DecisionAssist Mobile for Mortgage Loan Originators at CMBA

Product Launches: -- OpenClose, an industry-leading multi-channel loan origination system (LOS) and mortgage fintech provider, announced at the California Mortgage Bankers Association (CMBA) 46th Annual Western Secondary Marketing Conference that it unveiled DecisionAssist(TM) Mobile, which provides fingertip access to the company's proprietary web-based product and pricing engine (PPE)