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Tag: pediatric therapy

Launch: New children’s book ‘Adventure Zone’ explains pediatric therapies in a fun, informative way

Product Launches: -- Authors Allison Klimowicz and Veronica Stanley-Hooper have written a children's book entitled "Adventure Zone" (ISBN: 979-8524737199). This book, written for parents and children from the ages of 6 to 12 years old, explains pediatric therapies in a fun, informative way.

Launch: The benefits of pediatric therapy are now available to all parents with launch...

Product Launches: -- Boston startup Rahoo Baby, a baby product company made up by a team of physicians and pediatric therapists, is launching "Rahoo U," an online classroom for parents. Launching January 25, Rahoo U teaches parents the most effective techniques for helping babies master the skills they need at each stage of development, and offers guidance on how parents can incorporate these techniques into their daily routines.