Tag: Pompano Beach CRA
Ad News: Florida’s Pompano Beach CRA Announces ‘Love Always, Pompano Beach’ Website and Marketing...
Advertising NEWS: -- The Pompano Beach CRA is proud to announce their new marketing campaign, "Love Always, Pompano Beach." The all-encompassing annual program will feature local businesses located in the East CRA District, sharing special offers and experiences to attract residents and non-residents alike.
Ad News: Florida Redevelopment Association Honors RMA’s Pompano Beach Downtown Development Plan
Advertising NEWS: -- RMA is proud to announce that their proposed plan for the Pompano Beach Downtown Innovation District won the 2018 Promotion Award at the annual Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA) Awards. RMA managed the city's redevelopment agency for almost a decade and authored this award-winning plan for the creation of the city's downtown.