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Tag: Substance Abuse Treatment

Ad News: Elevate Your Addiction Treatment Approach: Discover Soberlink’s Groundbreaking Strategies for the Future...

Advertising NEWS: -- Soberlink, a recognized leader in addiction treatment solutions, has been featured in a special edition of USA Today's Mental Health Magazine focusing on the future of addiction medicine. Soberlink's state-of-the-art alcohol monitoring system, complete with facial recognition, tamper detection, and AI-powered Advanced Reporting, is defining the future of alcohol addiction treatment.

Launch: Launch Pad Publishing Releases Addiction Recovery Anthology, ‘The Addiction Diaries’

Product Launches: -- Launch Pad Publishing is releasing its first ever anthology, a collection of 18 essays about addiction and recovery from some of the world's top addiction and recovery writers: "The Addiction Diaries: Stories of Darkness, Hope and All That Falls in Between" (ISBN: 978-1951407278).