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Tag: Young Adult Fiction

Launch: New Book, ‘The Harlem Knight’ by Author-cartoonist Franklin Towngate Features Puerto Rican Superhero

Product Launches: -- From an early age, Franklin Towngate fantasized about writing a book that mirrored the TV shows and cartoons of his youth. He took a creative writing class in high school and was inspired to write several manuscripts, one of which was recently published - "The Harlem Knight" (ISBN: 978-0464693796).

Launch: New Book: ‘Stinking Thinking Isn’t Cool!’ by author Mekani G. Collins is an...

Product Launches: -- Mekani G. Collins was born a micro-preemie at one-pound, two and a half ounces. Doctors stated he would not live. He survived imminent death, seven surgeries and severe sleep apnea (he stopped breathing 61 times in one night) before his fourth birthday. Today, health is so important to him that he wrote a book - "Stinking Thinking Isn't Cool!" (ISBN: 978-0998819419) published by Textorium Publishing. It's an action-packed teenage adventure that's all about pushing boundaries and making the right choices.

Launch: Treasure of the Magical Mine Moppets: New Young Adult Fantasy Drama Promotes Forgiveness...

Product Launches: -- K.J. Blocker has created an alternative universe, like no other can, in his newly-released book, "Treasure of the Magical Mine Moppets" (ISBN: 978-0999150740). Published by Mindstir Media, the book's motive is to foster kindness and understanding.