Personalized, Localized Wireless Marketing Becomes ‘Mass’ Reality

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — Imagine: You’re walking down Market St. approaching Stockton. Your cell phone beeps and you open it to see the cover of the new CD from your favorite Reggaeton artist, Don Omar. A colorful message from Virgin Records across the street scrolls across the screen: “Serena – Welcome to the neighborhood! Come in and pick up this CD and we’ll give you 20% off. Send this message to 5 friends now for another 10% off and a free instant download. See you in the next 15 minutes for 50 Motopoints!” You wait impatiently for the light to change, and then head for the record store.

Sound like a retailer marketer’s dream? WiMoto Inc. CEO Scott Redmond will demonstrate this technology starting Tuesday, April 3, 2007 to qualified analysts, investors and media.

Interested parties may email a request for demo to

WiMoto, Inc. is a mobile solutions provider whose platform allows content to be instantly pushed to mobile devices worldwide. It is unique because the targeted messaging application, or “Moto, is portable across any carrier and wireless handset. WiMoto also enables retailer-branded cell phone networks, providing social media-based user experiences that continually reinforce customer/brand relationship.

The company, an early-stage start up, will release its first products in Q4 of 2007.

“Jim Lawrence, CFO of WiMoto states, “The dream of personalized relationship marketing via social networks is what we strive for, but the investment and risk can be a significant hurdle. Any solution that mitigates this risk and facilitates mutually beneficial customer relationships is bound to succeed.”

“The hand held mobile device is the last holy grail that marketers and advertisers are seeking to integrate into existing campaigns for customer acquisition and retention,” explains WiMoto CEO & Founder Scott Redmond. “We’re extremely confident that our product will provide the gateway into this space.”


About WiMoto Inc.
WiMoto Inc. ( is a Silicon Valley-based start-up whose vision is to create mutually beneficial retailer/customer relationships via mobile social networks. The company’s Cellular Communitization(TM) technology enables instant localized, personalized advertising and media sharing via any wireless network.

[tags]Localized Wireless Marketing, WiMoto motopoints, Cellular Communitization technology, mobile advertising[/tags]