Millions for New York, but Where’s Your Share?

Marketing Your Music: Exposing the ASCAP Expo

Brand Placement That Packs a Powerful Punch

Biggest Billboard of Them All
COLUMN: Getting a company logo in front of the public is not an easy job anymore. In the olden days, I'm told it used to be a simple process: you would just call up a promotional gift supplier, order a few cases of glow-in-the-dark executive desk sets emblazoned with the firm's name, and presto: instant brand placement.
Advertainment Sneaks into Film, Music and TV
Barcodes in commercials, wristwatch credit cards, and bathroom broadcasts combining entertainment with advertising: those are just a few of Scott G's predictions of the wild world of marketing communications now upon us.
When Product Placement Goes Too Far

Advertising, R.I.P.
How information overload, data glut, and media excess will lead to consumer revolt and an end to marketing, advertising and public relations as we know it.