Communication Nation: Ads Unimpressive During the OSCAR Fiasco
COLUMN: Sure, the 81st Academy Awards show was a disaster, but millions watched anyway (train wrecks are darn entertaining) so the advertisers reached a...
Communication Nation: Apple Wins Olympic Gold
COLUMN: Billions in bucks are being paid out to be official sponsors of the Beijing Olympic Games but there is already one big winner:...
Communication Nation: Missing Janet
COLUMN: With caustic comments about the addled advertising and mixed marketing messages in Super Bowl XXMVIILVXIVIVMVVVIII or whatever, Scott G also offers a Remembrance of Super Bowls Past.
Mad Men May Save the 30-second Commercial

In Praise of the Product Demonstration

Carl Doesn’t Know Jack or Dick

Smart People in Advertising – Please Step Forward

Your Brand Here: The TV Show

Vista Spot an Ow not a Wow

Who’s Behind the Wheel of the Chevy HHR?