TORONTO, Ontario /Advertising Industry Newswire/ — InteractiveVoices, the voice-over marketplace, has just rolled out a new Web 2.0 platform for businesses that need to hire voice-over talents. Principles that render InteractiveVoices a Web 2.0 company include the continued focus on a rich user experience by working with technologies such as RSS, CSS and AJAX while using the Web as a software platform.

New additions to the site include RSS feeds that allow individuals to subscribe to the IV Blog, the InteractiveVoices Podcast (also available in the iTunes Music Store), manage voice-over projects, collaborate with colleagues online, use file delivery tools, and implement feedback for other InteractiveVoices members regarding a relationship forged through business conducted at the website or endorsements based upon the quality of the talent’s voice-over demo and qualifications.

Whether a company needs voice-overs for television, radio, podcasts, trade shows, or in-store advertising, they can find exactly what they need for a price that they can afford at

Finding the perfect voice at InteractiveVoices can be achieved in three simple steps:

    1. Signup for Free

    2. Post a Job

    3. Get Responses

Interactive Voices CEO, David Ciccarelli says, “Our mission is to make hiring a voice talent the easiest and most enjoyable part of completing a business person’s multimedia project. When they post their voice-over job with us, our entire team works hard to ensure that their overall Web experience at InteractiveVoices is unparalleled with superior end results.”

About InteractiveVoices

Based in London, ON Canada, InteractiveVoices is an online marketplace, facilitating transactions between business clients and voiceover professionals, employing a comprehensive suite of web-based services. Clients that have worked at InteractiveVoices include NBC, ESPN, PBS, The History Channel, Reader’s Digest, Olay, L’Oreal, Comcast, Nortel Networks, Bell Canada, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, ING, Western Union, Ford, GM, Jaguar, Firestone Tires, American Airlines, the US Army, the US Government and many more.

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News Source: Interactive Voices
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