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Tag: Childrens Book

Launch: Author Bridget Burton’s Second Children’s Sing-Along Book Launches with a Give-Back Campaign Supporting...

Product Launches: -- Children's sing-along book author and vocalist Bridget Burton (pen name) known in her community as Barbara Burton Graf, just published her second children's book "Annie Kai Lani Kai Lou: Maui's Beloved Pup" (ISBN 978-0989562416; Softcover) this month. The illustrated book, designed for early readers, is captured in both a soft cover print, eBook (Kindle) and video/cartoon versions and includes upbeat Hawaiian music with steel guitar and ukulele and vocals by the author herself.

Launch: ‘The Lazy Stork’ author Diana Aleksandrova turns struggles to become pregnant into children’s...

Product Launches: -- Diana Aleksandrova has always wanted to be a mom, but after years of trying to become pregnant, that dream hasn't come true yet. Inspired by her struggles and the legend about the storks bringing the babies, she writes "The Lazy Stork" (ISBN: 978-1953118264; May 2023; Dedoni).

Launch: Surf is definitely up in Stefan Piccione’s new children’s book ‘The Surfing Mouse’

Product Launches: -- "The Surfing Mouse" (ISBN: 978-0228872313; Oct., 2022) is a new children's story about a brave young mouse who overcomes his fear of surfing big waves. Everyone's afraid of something, which is why author Stefan Piccione wanted to show audiences how determination, strength, and a strong belief in yourself can help you overcome your fears and achieve your goals.

Launch: The family of late author Dolores F. Kurzeka is thrilled to announce the...

Product Launches: -- The family of author Dolores F. Kurzeka is thrilled to announce the release of "Our Walk with Grandma" (ISBN: 978-1039145450, FriesenPress), her long-awaited children's picture book about the beauty of family and nature. Written 20 years ago, Kurzeka was unable to find an illustrator before her passing. Her children continued the search and found the perfect illustrator Nichole Monahan, and brought the book to market to make their mom's dream of publication come true.

Launch: New book from Adam Swain Ferguson celebrates the magic of adoption and diversity...

Product Launches: -- Adam Swain Ferguson, founder, Purple Fox Entertainment, is a creative producer and author. His new book release, "Love Without Wings: An Adoption Fairytale" (ISBN: 979-8986768014), was inspired by a true story - his own story - and celebrates diverse families made complete through adoption. It's scheduled to be released during National Adoption Month on November 19, National Adoption Day.

Launch: Child Author Sammy Wallace Releases Debut Book in Conjunction with Children’s Book Week,...

Product Launches: -- Seven-year-old author, Sammy Wallace, will release his debut rhyming children's picture book, "I Slept in My Bed Last Night" (ISBN 979-8985784404; WF Publications), on May 2, 2022, in conjunction with Children's Book Week.

Launch: New children’s book ‘Adventure Zone’ explains pediatric therapies in a fun, informative way

Product Launches: -- Authors Allison Klimowicz and Veronica Stanley-Hooper have written a children's book entitled "Adventure Zone" (ISBN: 979-8524737199). This book, written for parents and children from the ages of 6 to 12 years old, explains pediatric therapies in a fun, informative way.

Launch: New Children’s Book Series Offers Vaccine for Racism, Inequality, and Hate: ‘What I...

Product Launches: -- Author/Educator and Chiropractor based in Santa Monica, Dr. Todd Gewant, today announced the release of his 2nd book in the "What I Wish I Was Told" children's book series, "What I Wish I Was Told: Part 2: A Poetic Guide To Unite Us All" (ISBN: 979-8696235394).

Launch: New Book, ‘Madi Goes to Virtual School’ Helps Ease Children’s Fears Over Online...

Product Launches: -- Morgan Books today announced the release of their new timely book, "Madi Goes to Virtual School" (ISBN: 979-8673380277) by author Rob Morgan. As millions of school children have returned to the classroom this fall, many of them are doing so virtually, learning from kitchen tables and laptop screens rather than the familiar flexible seating and SMART boards that define so many modern teaching spaces.

Launch: New Children’s Book, ‘How Angels are Made’ Opens Door for Dialogue About Grief...

Product Launches: -- When Bryson Thompson, Sr.'s mother passed away from stomach cancer in 2016, he grappled with how to tell his 3-year old son that he would never see his beloved grandmother again. It was this life-changing event that sparked him to write, "How Angels are Made" (ISBN: 978-1735023809).