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Launch: A Master of Mixtapes, DJ Expression, Drops New Release ‘Traffic Light’ (AFROBEAT...

Product Launches: -- DJ Expression, also known as Peter O Okeke, has vowed to make a difference and to add value to the music industry by pushing the AfroBeat genre. Nigerian-born, this musical artist has developed a unique style where he's created a signature blend of mixes and sounds. Now, he's excited to announce a new mixtape to drop this week - "Traffic Light" (AFROBEAT Vol. 14).

Launch: Author Jill Young challenges entrepreneurs to create thinking companies in new book, THE...

Product Launches: -- Many employees believe they aren't being paid to think. In "The Thinking Advantage," author Jill Young shares the dynamic algorithm for creating and building a strong company. When everyone at the company is really thinking, miraculous changes can happen!

Ad News: Alpha Business Images (ABI) Challenges Ad Industry to Spread Message to Encourage...

Advertising NEWS: -- With Election Day less than a month away, and early voting beginning on October 13, in a nonpartisan effort, Alpha Business Images (ABI), has rolled out the Keeping It 100 Challenge to spread the message of encouraging voter participation with the help and talent of peers in the advertising industry.

Ad News: Alpha Business Images, LLC (ABI) Named on the Adweek 100: Fastest Growing...

Advertising NEWS: -- Dallas-Fort Worth-based marketing agency Alpha Business Images, LLC (ABI) has been named to the Adweek 100 Fastest Growing Agencies List - and as one of the Top 5 Fastest Growing US Agencies in the Southwest.

Launch: Business expert Jill Young, founder of TractionFirst, launches new book: ‘The Courage Advantage’

Product Launches: -- Jill Young, founder of Dallas-based TractionFirst, uses her experience to teach business owners how to grow and thrive. "The Courage Advantage: 3 Mindsets Your Team Needs to Cultivate Fierce Discipline, Incredible Fun, and a Culture of Experimentation" (ISBN: 978-1647462819) began as a result of a question asked by a new client, "I know why this coaching will work. What do you think is happening when it doesn't work?"

Launch: Author and Speaker Jill Young Teaches Employees How to Improve Themselves and Their...

Product Launches: -- Jill Young, author, speaker, and founder of TractionFirst releases a new book providing bosses a way to help their employees earn more. Most employees lack clarity about how their performance connects to the value they create for their company. "The Earning Advantage" (ISBN: 978-1647462758) is a unique resource for employees to earn more money while promoting their company's growth.

Launch: New Self Help Book from Gary Neal, Jr. Reveals How Pi and People...

Product Launches: -- Inspired by the mathematical standard PI, Gary Neal, Jr., author, "A Healthy Slice of PI: Food for Thought," is helping people to identify, manage and thrive off real-life situations by providing a unique insight into why people become who they are. He's also the founder of Pride and Egoos, a clothing and wearable accessories company.

Launch: Emerging Technology Summit Dallas: Shardus to Demonstrate First Linearly Scalable Blockchain

Product Launches: -- The Shardus Project (Shardus.com) continues to gain momentum with their state sharding solution and will be the first team in the world to demonstrate linear scaling functionality on a decentralized blockchain network at their Q3 update event on Saturday, October 19th in Dallas at the Emerging Technology Summit in Dallas, Texas.

Ad News: The Elisa Project Announces Name Change to Texas Eating Disorders Association (TEDA)

Advertising NEWS: -- The board of directors for The Elisa Project, a non-profit organization whose mission is to fight eating disorders through education, support and advocacy, announced today the changing of the organization's name to Texas Eating Disorders Association (TEDA).

Launch: Dallas Teen Natalie Gonchar Publishes Award Winning Children’s Book Promoting Disability Representation

Product Launches: -- Just in time for National Bullying Prevention Month, "Mr. Gringle's Magical Wheelchair" (ISBN: 978-1612543154) by Natalie Gonchar, is a new book scheduled to release on September 24, 2019. The book has already won the Gold Mom's Choice Award.