Tags Graphic and Web Design

Tag: Graphic and Web Design

Ad News: Designer Michael Gonyea Brings Awareness to Immunosuppression During Pandemic with StickTogether.Family

Advertising NEWS: -- StickTogether.Family, whose mission is to promote awareness of the impact a community spread virus can have on the immunosuppressed, announced today the creation of a universal icon that visually communicates being immunosuppressed and encourages physical distancing efforts during the current pandemic.

Ad News: Matter Supply Co. is Helping Powell’s Books and Small Portland Businesses Stay...

Advertising NEWS: -- Matter Supply Co. responds with a technology solution after Powell's Books layoffs. The company announced today that it will also donate significant efforts to create 20 eCommerce websites for small Portland-area retailers most threatened by closure during the outbreak.

Ad News: 95Visual helps SCV Audio Video Launch New Website to Showcase High-Quality Audio-Video...

Advertising NEWS: -- 95Visual is pleased to announce the launch of SCV Audio Video's new website: scvaudiovideo.com. The old website did not capture just how remarkable their services are in the audio-video field.

Ad News: 95Visual is pleased to announce the launch of Blue River Pharmacy’s new...

Advertising NEWS: -- 95Visual is pleased to announce the launch of Blue River Pharmacy's new website. The primary goal during the process was to improve the navigation of Blue River's vast product offering.

Launch: New DesignCap Lets Anyone Create More Engaging Visuals Online

Product Launches: -- DesignCap, an all-in-one online graphic design platform from PearlMountain Limited, today released version 1.2.0 - a major update that makes visual designs for social media, blogs, and other marketing presences achievable for anyone.

Launch: Gainesville Dev Academy in Florida Launches Income Share Agreements to Expand Access to...

Product Launches: -- Gainesville Dev Academy, a Florida company that offers professional advancement training for Web and Mobile application development, has announced today the launch of an Income Share Agreement program. Through this program, Gainesville Dev Academy will now offer students the ability to undergo training and pay their tuition only when they have completed the program and have achieved gainful employment.

Ad News: Saqib Malik a Young Entrepreneur and Digital Marketing Expert, Conquers the Digital...

Advertising NEWS: -- Saqib Malik is a 19-year-old young entrepreneur and digital marketing expert from the U.K. He started his career at a really young age as a full stack developer and later went on to become a music producer and slowly over time he made his name in the music and digital marketing industry; and in a couple of years' time he founded Prestige Perfection, working for many elite artists, brands and celebrities.

Ad News: Digital Marketing Firms, Sokal Media Group and Webstreak LLC Merge, Rename as...

Advertising NEWS: -- Sokal Media Group, an automotive advertising agency, and Webstreak LLC, a digital advertising agency, today announced they have entered into an agreement to merge the companies and resurface overnight as one of the largest full-service automotive agencies in the country. With the merger comes a new name. Moving forward, the company will simply be known as "Sokal."

Ad News: Updated PearlMountain DesignEvo 2.5 Redefines the Way Users Can Create Amazing Brand...

Advertising NEWS: -- Today PearlMountain celebrated the release of the latest version of their logo design tool - DesignEvo 2.5, which offers over 5,000 templates, a brand new GUI, and other significant improvements to make the logo creation quicker and simpler than ever before.

Launch: Self-serve Logo Design! New PearlMountain DesignEvo Brings Power of Online Platform to iPhone...

Product Launches: -- DesignEvo, which helps anyone to customize a compelling, unique logo in minutes, brings out its iPhone version, DesignEvo 1.0, that allows users to create a custom logo design on their iOS device, PearlMountain announced today. With its launch, users can quickly select the preferred design from 3500+ templates and then customize it into professional logo designs with powerful editing tools and various art resources.