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Tag: medical devices

Launch: The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) Launch New Safety-Reviewed Wheelchair Vehicle Resource

Product Launches: -- The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) announced today the debut of an online resource designed to help people with disabilities and their caregivers make informed choices when shopping for a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

Launch: New Dynamo SportSwings are designed as a replacement for the common, underarm crutch

Product Launches: -- Healthcare innovator Dynamo today announced the rollout of Dynamo SportSwings. Designed as a replacement for the common, underarm crutch, it reflects the most advanced, top-to-bottom redesign since the days of the Egyptian pharaohs.

Launch: Zanthion launches the SMART Lifetime Bundle: Save A Life and Protect Your Family...

Product Launches: -- Zanthion launches SMART Lifetime, a complete personal and home security system for life, with no subscription fees and proactive health monitoring with crowdsourced awareness. Zanthion is an AI digital healthcare company with a class-leading Senior Care IoT Platform.

Launch: Indiana Foot and Ankle Surgeon Heals His Own Foot Pain with The Equinus...

Product Launches: -- An idea for a new medical device for foot pain surfaced when podiatrist Dr. Patrick DeHeer suffered from posterior tibial tendonitis - a common foot and ankle problem - after taking up running. Since traditional treatment options weren't efficient or effective enough, DeHeer and his partners formed IQ Med LLC and developed The Equinus Brace.

Launch: New Skin Moderne Nanopen Offers Safer, More Effective Alternative to Micro-Needling Skin Care

Product Launches: -- Micro-needling has become one of the more popular skin care procedures across the globe; however increasing concern over misuse and other risks threaten to dampen its use. But a new product from Skin Moderne debuting at the 2018 International Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference, promises to deliver all of the benefits of micro-needling without any of the risks.

Launch: Unison MedicalOS brings healthcare and medical apps to market faster with reduced development...

Product Launches: -- Today at Medica, the world's largest medical event, RoweBots, an embedded software company, announces the immediate availability of Unison MedicalOS, a real-time operating system (RTOS) for medical applications and wearable devices.

Launch: TeDan Surgical Innovations launches Phantom XL3 Lateral Access System for lumbar spine surgical...

Product Launches: -- TeDan Surgical Innovations (TSI) today announced the launch of the Phantom XL3(TM) Lateral Access System for lumbar spine surgical retraction. A full product release will be held later this month at the North American Spine Society Meeting (NASS) in Orlando from October 25 to 27.