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Tag: NonProfit and Charities

Launch: Frisky Cat Cafe – New Cat Cafe Combines Cats and Coffee in St....

Product Launches: -- Small Lives Matter Kitten Rescue Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization specializing in saving sick and orphaned kittens, announces that they are partnering with Whiskers Cafe, LLC and Bold Bean Coffee Roasters to open Frisky Cat Cafe at 1092 S. Ponce De Leon Blvd. in St. Augustine, Florida. It's a first-of-its-kind cat cafe, combining a coffee beverage cafe with a cat lounge.

Launch: CALNOC Nightingale Research Fund Announced – Raising Nursing’s Voice in Health Services Research

Product Launches: -- CALNOC is pleased to introduce The CALNOC Nightingale Research Fund, an innovative and opportune resource in health services research focused on and administrated by nursing. We are excited to announce the Research Fund today in honor of Florence Nightingale and in celebration of the Year of the Nurse 2020.

Launch: Radio Host Rich Berra Releases Second Holiday Children’s Book for Charity ‘Christmas Steve...

Product Launches: -- Rich Berra, co-host of the nationally syndicated Johnjay and Rich Show on iHeart Radio, has released his second holiday children's book, "Christmas Steve Meets Christmas Carol" (ISBN: 978-0578571904). Proceeds from the sale of each book go to the #LoveUp Foundation.

Launch: The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) Launch New Safety-Reviewed Wheelchair Vehicle Resource

Product Launches: -- The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) announced today the debut of an online resource designed to help people with disabilities and their caregivers make informed choices when shopping for a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

Launch: AGS Laboratories Releases Digital Diamond Grading Reports in Digital Format

Product Launches: -- AGS Laboratories announces the launch of their grading reports in a digital platform. The digital documents serve as an official grading report and will be formatted the same as AGS Laboratories' printed documents.

Launch: The C Diff Foundation Junior Infection Fighters Program Takes Action against Harmful Germs...

Product Launches: -- C Diff Foundation announced today that the inaugural C Diff Foundation Junior Infection Fighter Program was introduced to families and their children/teens in Chester County, Pennsylvania on October 12, 2019.

Ad News: North Carolina-based My Change Agent (MCA) creates on-demand teams to serve nonprofits

Advertising NEWS: -- An easy, affordable way to access a team of experts focused on solving problems and moving forward is now an option for nonprofit organizations across the country. Recognizing the common challenges facing nonprofits, such as limited budgets and bandwidths, North Carolina-based My Change Agent (MCA) has taken notice of a concept known as a flash organization. The result: the Capacity Building Consortium.

Launch: Helping Mamas Knoxville, a New East Tennessee Non-Profit, is Making an Impact on...

Product Launches: -- Helping Mamas Knoxville opened operations in December 2018 and has already distributed more than 5,000 essential items to children living in poverty in East Tennessee. Helping Mamas works by collecting baby items through donations from the community, corporations, and volunteers.

Launch: NEW UNITY Offers Real Change: Expanding US Congress to Include a Citizens Assembly

Product Launches: -- An Assembly of 600 citizen-delegates is being established by NewUnity.Org and it is expected to eventually become a third-chamber of Congress via constitutional amendment, creating a tri-cameral legislature. The first session of the Assembly is scheduled to start in early 2020. Any U.S. citizen over the age of 18 can be a delegate to the Assembly, provided they satisfy some eligibility requirements.

Launch: Her Next Play Announces 2019 Sports Summit for Teen Girls at Life Time...

Product Launches: -- Fresh off a competitive community contest win, a team of young Edina women are investing their prize earnings in an event designed for teen girl athletes. The Her Next Play Edina Girls' Sports Summit will take place September 30, 2019 at Life Time Sport in Eden Prairie, Minn.