Christopher Laird Simmons
The IAB announces the Formation of an Industry-wide Click Measurement Working Group

Man Fur Makes Me Thirsty – Alcohol and Shaving Don’t Mix

Federal Judge to Rule on Google’s Right to Allegedly Limit Speech on the Internet
LOS ANGELES, CA -- At 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 30, 2006 in United States Federal Court, 280 S. First Street, Courtroom #3, San Jose, California, a drama will play out between (a site for kids zero to seven and their parents) and the giant of the Internet, Google, controlling up to 80% or more of 'Net searches worldwide.
New Book Shows the Beauty of the Advertising Industry

LookSmart Unveils its Next Generation PPC AdCenter
SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- LookSmart Ltd. announced this week the launch of their new enhanced AdCenter with improved functionality icnluding Daily budgets (versus monthly) which give you more control of your distribution and spend. You will now be in distribution every day of the month.
When Product Placement Goes Too Far