Among the 56 core human values that The Valuegraphics Database measures, the average American ranks "Belonging" ahead of "Family" and "Relationships" - a result that reflects the very strong national pride in the U.S.

Valuegraphics - USA Values Ranking Top 15

Among the 56 core human values that The Valuegraphics Database measures, the average American ranks "Belonging" ahead of "Family" and "Relationships" - a result that reflects the very strong national pride in the U.S.

This means that, as a priority, Country comes ahead of everything else.

It can also explain the fractious divisions within the U.S., as groups coalesce around ideas that bind them together. A brotherhood. A birthright. A backdrop for understanding US feelings of exceptionalism in a global village. An explanation for why "Make America Great Again" resonates either positively or negatively with so many U.S. voters.

By comparison, the rest of the world, on average, places more value on "Family" and "Relationships" above all else.

The distinction is important because what we value predicts how we will behave.

Our values - what we care about most - are the only accurate indicator of who people are, and why they do the things they do. The stereotypes perpetuated by demographic labels have nothing to do with how we decide to behave, and yet are still so pervasive in every aspect of life.

To understand foreign and domestic issues, engage in target marketing, or build consumer profiles, knowing the exact values that trigger behavior for any group of people is a strategic essential.

In Valuegraphics research around the world and in every sector, values of togetherness - like "Family," "Relationships," "Belonging" and "Community" - almost always rank at the top. Which is hopeful for all of humankind, but which clouds the distinctions from one region of the world to the next. After these values of togetherness are set aside, the remaining value sets reflect the unique cultures of different regions in the world.

For example, the rest of the world cares more about "Financial Security" while it is less important in the U.S. - likely because wealth, or the promise of wealth, is part of the work hard/get ahead ethic of the American Dream. Similarly, "Material Possessions" ranks among the top 10 American values compared to the rest of the world. You don't acquire stuff without the wherewithal to buy it.

"Freedom of Speech," a value that is likely a byproduct of the ever-present debate about First Amendment rights, is far more important in the US than the rest of the world.

What do American's care least about? "Service to Others", ranks in last place while around the rest of the world that particular value shows up in the middle of the pack of 56 values. The survey also supports the U.S. spirit of individualism, with values of "Tolerance" and "Peace" rated as less important, compared to the world averages. American's value "Loyalty" lower than the rest of the world, along with "Community," "Personal Responsibility" and "Trustworthiness."

Understanding shared values is the key to understanding what will motivate target audiences to act. All humans spend every waking moment acting on, finding ways to feed, and looking for validation of what we care about most, our values, regardless of the demographic box we fit into.

About Valuegraphics

The Valuegraphics Database defines the shared values of target audiences, regardless of their demographic profiles. It uses a global database informed by neuroscience, psychology and sociology and measures 436 shared human values, wants, needs and expectations. It's accurate to +/- 3.5%, offering a high degree of confidence. Learn more:

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Ian Edwards

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