John Scott G
Bank of America. Lower Standards.
COLUMN: Yes, they attempted to ruin a lovely song. Yes, the company admits to firing the person who leaked the video. And yes, they are wasting money on an executive with enough spare time to trade misspelled barbs with people on YouTube. But in defending its horrific version of U2's "One," Bank of America stands up for dorks, dweebs, jerks, idiots, morons and no-talent greedwhores everywhere.
Badvertising: Pepto, Charmin, Mucinex, Lamisil, ExxonMobile
COLUMN: Disgusting advertising campaigns do more than anger people; they also bring shame on the marketing profession. In addition to calling for a boycott of the products themselves, Scott G suggests the marketing industry refuse to hire the creators of the ads.
Ads Good and Weird
COLUMN: Current television advertising contains soldiers, elephants, autos, mirrors, and balls. According to marketing guy Scott G, some of the campaigns are quite good while others are puzzling, inane, harebrained, obtuse, weird, and a wild waste of money.
Not One Second of Imagination
COLUMN: BOONTON, N.J. -- The $40 billion private line services market is posting solid growth for the second year in a row, says a market analysis study from Insight Research. Private lines are point-to-point circuits leased by enterprises from telecommunications carriers in order to link enterprise sites to each other and to the Internet. Private lines are also used by cellular carriers to link their towers to land line networks.
Zune not in Tune
COLUMN: There was a time when marketing executives were considered savvy, smart, or slick. Some probably are all those things, but not those involved with Microsoft's new digital music player. Scott G takes a look at the marketing decisions for Zune (as in "rhymes with crazy as a loon").
Ad Agency Creative Departments: What Do They Do?
Copywriters and art directors have the easiest job in the world. Right up until they have to deal with unimaginative clients, unknowledgeable account managers, and uninformed creative directors. With a wink and a sigh, Scott G sums it all up.
Ad Is All Trucked Up
COLUMN: Chevy Silverado pick-up trucks must be very hard to sell. Otherwise, General Motors would not have its ad agency make such a controversial commercial. Scott G confesses to enjoying the music in the spot while wincing at the visuals.
Consumer Created Column
Interactive online presentations, consumer generated content, DIY ad campaigns, viewer voting, and Joe Public development of stories and videos are starting to be found virtually everywhere. Scott G says go ahead, write this column.
Out of my Mind & Into Yours III
Marketing, ad campaigns, Dow Chemical, time management, The Simpsons, true friendship and other topics of earth-shattering importance are covered by Scott G in a quick-and-easy Q & A format. Wikipedia, Moby and Agent Orange also make appearances.
Jargonizing, or: How American Business is Losing the War of Words
Why write a six-word sentence when it's more fun to use 82 words and a bunch of gobbledygook? Scott G pokes fun at the way some businesses pontificate about themselves online and off. Have you taken a good look at the way business talks business? Business letters, brochures and client presentations are awash in multi-syllabic hogwash developed by MBAs who have been educated far beyond the meager capabilities of their brainpans.