A new card game is on the horizon that has the potential to strengthen and improve relationships. Better Topics, a replayable card game created by Diana and Robert Indries, is a catalyst to help people have more fun, more meaningful conversations and better communication.

A new card game is on the horizon that has the potential to strengthen and improve relationships. Better Topics, a replayable card game created by Diana and Robert Indries, is a catalyst to help people have more fun, more meaningful conversations and better communication.
Diana and Robert have created a Kickstarter campaign to help launch a hands-on game and app: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dianaindries/better-topics-replayable-card-game-for-couples.
"We and a few of our friends play the game every week. It helps us set aside time for one another and makes us look forward to having the deep conversations we need to grow our relationship. I'm convinced it will help other couples and families too," Diana says.
The world is in turmoil right now and relationships are no exception. In 2019, the U.S. Census reported two million new marriages, yet there were 800,000 new divorces. That's 40 percent.
"And what about the other 60 percent?" Diana wonders. "What's the real quality of those relationships?"
To help find a solution, Diana and Robert set out to create a game that not only has the potential to help relationships grow stronger, but to incite more joy and excitement too.
"The only thing that can make relationships stronger is constant, caring attention," Diana says.
"Better Topics" is a springboard for meaningful discussions that come naturally. Some sample questions include: What was your favorite thing we did together last week? What's one thing we could do next week that would help to put a spark in our relationship? What is one trait about me you noticed recently, that you would want me to keep? There's also a points system for real-life rewards, clear rules, elements that make it fun, strategies to win, and weekly couple challenges.
"During our research, we found and played other card games, but they all asked questions that were limited in nature such as, 'What's your favorite flavor ice cream?'" Robert says. "Our game has ever-relevant questions and other fun elements so it can be played every single week. It's a game you can build on."
For more information about Better Topics: https://www.bettertopics.com/
*VIDEO (YouTube): https://youtu.be/_b1GpQPtg9s
*Photo link for media: https://www.Send2Press.com/300dpi/20-0611s2p-better-topics-300dpi.jpg
*Caption: Better Topics, a card game for couples and families.
Diana Indries
of Better Topics
+44-744-022-3711 (media only)
Related link: https://www.bettertopics.com/
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