Author and USCG Veteran Uses AmazonConnect e-Marketing to Interact with Readers
HENDERSON, NV -- Author Ron Butcher is using Amazon's new "Plog" feature in an effort to communicate to the masses regarding his new non-fiction cruise travel guide, "Cruise Control: Your Peace of Mind at Sea."
Three Telecommunications Networks Now Thrive, But Only One to Survive, Says Insight Research
BOONTON, NJ -- The wireless, Internet and phone networks that presently comprise the global telecommunications infrastructure will generate nearly $1.2 trillion in revenue this year, but according to a new market analysis report from Insight Research, there is a very real possibility that by the close of 2011 one of the three networks may come to dominate the others and thereby change the telecommunications revenue picture completely.
Marketing in a Mobile Age: Trucks Add Fuel to Advertising

New Book Shows the Beauty of the Advertising Industry

Create a Business that ‘eNthems’ out from the Crowd: A Company Anthem Provides a...
SACRAMENTO, CA -- Every country has a national anthem, so why not every company? That is exactly the question that the founder of puts forth to potential customers. This new and innovative Website offers businesses the opportunity to create a personal song or 'eNthem.'
Send2Press(R) Newswire Announces NewsML Feed Support for News Aggregators
LOS ANGELES, CA -- Send2Press®, a leading online news service since 1996, announced today the re-launch of support for the NewsML format to allow content portals and news aggregators to easily pull full-text news stories from its wire service. Send2Press is a unit of Neotrope(R), established 1983 in California.
New Book: Million Dollar Press Releases
ROCKFORD, IL -- PR veteran Robert Smith started in the world of publicity almost 8 years ago. After owning a child support company he started his own agency Robert Smith & Associates PR in 1998. His clients have been featured on Oprah, CNN, USA Today, People Magazine, National Enquirer, and others. Smith today announced his much anticipated book 'Million Dollar Press Releases: Guide to Boosting Profits Using Free Publicity.'
LookSmart Unveils its Next Generation PPC AdCenter
SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- LookSmart Ltd. announced this week the launch of their new enhanced AdCenter with improved functionality icnluding Daily budgets (versus monthly) which give you more control of your distribution and spend. You will now be in distribution every day of the month.
PR Expert Liisa Sullivan Joins Send2Press to Lead Professional Press Release Writing Services

Yahoo! Sued for Alleged ‘Typosquatting’ and Click Fraud
NEWARK, NJ -- In a class action lawsuit brought this week against Yahoo! and its pay-per-click (PPC) unit Overture Services, Inc., plaintiff Crafts by Veronica, of Newark, NJ claims that the search portal and others have engaged in click fraud against advertisers who pay to display ads in relation to search content.