Haas Media LLC announces Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas, a new travel series on public television, premiering with a two-part special featuring Costa Rica this September on Public Television Stations nationwide, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Haas Media LLC announces Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas, a new travel series on public television, premiering with a two-part special featuring Costa Rica this September on Public Television Stations nationwide, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. The series honors and celebrates the historical and cultural contributions of Latin America's African descendants, hosted by tri-lingual, Black female traveler and executive producer, Kim Haas.
"We are introducing Public Television viewers to Afro-Latinos and their profound legacy in the Americas through history, culture, cuisine, art, dance, music, environmental conservation, literature, sports, and festivals," says Haas. "Afro-Latino Travels is about Black joy, pride and resilience despite centuries of oppression and under-representation. The series features Afro-Latinos that will inspire viewers with hope and optimism."
No other travel TV series showcases solely the Afro-Latino communities throughout Latin America and their rich and diverse legacy of creating vibrant cultures in the Americas. Their imprint greatly influences mainstream Latino culture from Andean Peru to tropical Cuba, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.
"Costa Rica's Caribbean Coast was strongly influenced by the Jamaican inhabitants who arrived in the country over 400 years ago," says Costa Rica Tourism Minister Gustavo Segura. "Costa Rica is an extraordinary country. We recognize ourselves as a multi-ethnic and multicultural nation and the province of Limón is the most authentic reflection of that melting pot of cultures and ethnic groups. Here at the ICT, we are very proud of this and view Afro-Latino Travels as an opportunity to share our history with those who seek to learn about and visit our country."
Beginning in the 1500s and throughout The Middle Passage, millions of enslaved Africans were brought to Latin America through the 18th century. Researchers estimate at least 1 in 3 Latin Americans have African ancestry, and Africans and their descendants were involved in every aspect of Latin American society: colonialism, the fight for independence, the building of transportation and infrastructure (forts, railroads, etc.), and more.
"I've wanted to produce a series featuring the impact that the five centuries of African presence in Latin America has had for so long, and this two-part special is just the start of that journey," shares Haas. "This project has been in the works for years, but with the lack of diversity in travel media and the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement more recently, now is the time to celebrate this heritage even more!"
Highlights from the two-part Afro-Latino Travels Costa Rica episodes include interviews with:
* Mr. Quince Duncan, celebrated Afro-Costa Rican author with 50 years of writing, credited with introducing Afro-Costa Rican in Costa Rican literature.
* Tarik Soto, gymnast and 2020 Olympic hopeful.
* Doris & Sasha Campbell, dancer and singer, respectively (sisters of Latin America's first black vice president, Ms. Epsy Campbell)
The Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas two-part special featuring Costa Rica will be available on Public Television Stations across the United States beginning Saturday, Sept. 12 through October. Check local listings for time and channel.
Underwriting for the television program has been provided in part by the Ford Foundation, and in-kind support provided by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute. Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas is presented by Northern California Public Media (KRCB) and distributed by NETA.
Further information available at: https://www.TravelsWithKimHaas.com/.
Kim Haas, Executive Producer, Host & Creator of Afro-Latino Travels with Kim Haas, has been active in Afro-Latino issues for more than a decade and is founder of LosAfroLatinos.com, a blog celebrating Afro-Latino culture. Kim speaks fluent Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Kim is passionate about her work with "Afro-Latino Travels," and is extremely proud to be one of the few upcoming Black female travel hosts on public television, leading the path for more to follow!
VIDEO (Vimeo): https://vimeo.com/449315778
*PHOTO link for media: https://www.Send2Press.com/300dpi/20-0909s2p-kim-haas-300dpi.jpg
*Caption: Kim Haas in Costa Rica.
Related link: https://www.TravelsWithKimHaas.com
Black Female Travel Host, Kim Haas, Takes Viewers on a Journey to Discover Afro-Latino Cultures with Special on Costa Rica, Premiering During Hispanic Heritage Month
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