Ashla Systems announced today the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has industries searching for answers on what technology can help in the fight against contamination. Many groups are starting to focus on a system that has been tried and tested for over 70 years; UV-C light which has been proven to kill the virus after just 10 minutes of contact.

Ashla Systems announced today the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has industries searching for answers on what technology can help in the fight against contamination. Many groups are starting to focus on a system that has been tried and tested for over 70 years; UV-C light which has been proven to kill the virus after just 10 minutes of contact.
UV-C lights harness the power of the sun and disinfect by disrupting the molecular bonds that hold together microbial genetic material or proteins. Ultra Violet light has been used extensively for more than 40 years in disinfecting drinking water, waste water and hospitals against hundreds of bacteria and viruses including COVID-19 related viruses - SARS-COV-1 and MERS-COV.
Companies are emerging around the globe developing new technologies using UV-C lights to help kill the virus. There have already been huge breakthroughs including UV-C robots that can disinfect rooms and airplanes in short periods and tunnels that buses can drive through to be contaminant free.
Ashla Systems Is focusing on one of the most crucial points in all buildings, elevators. In the US each year elevators make 18 billion passenger trips and each elevator carries an average of 20,000 passengers per year. Elevators carry 40 times more bacteria than public toilet seats according to a study by the University of Arizona. This alarming fact is pushing building owners and hotels across the world to develop safe and secure methods for keeping elevators clean.
According to scientists, after someone sneezes, coughs or speaks loudly the coronavirus could remain airborne for up to 3 hours. The virus lives on metal and plastic for up to 3 days. Elevators are so vital to movement of people in a building they can be a major weak point in a landlord's strategy to keep their buildings safe.
Ashla is leading the way with smart elevators designed to sense when they are empty of passengers and use the full power of installed UV-C lights to completely kill viruses and bacteria like coronavirus, influenza and 100s of others in the air and all surfaces.
"Ashla is racing to fulfill tremendous demand for this product in elevators. Landlords are calling from all around the world to get us to install these systems as fast as possible in their elevators. We are working as hard as we can," according to Paul Smith from Ashla Systems.
This demand is no surprise as According to the Director of CDC Dr. Robert Redfield, "For decades, collectively, our nation's under-invested in public health... Now is the time for us to over-invest in public health. This virus is going to be with us."
A recent study conducted by Ohio State University suggests that even organized efforts to clean surfaces can fall short, requiring extra cleaning to be done on a daily basis, especially to fight the spread of coronavirus disease. Only 50% of surfaces cleaned are properly disinfected.
Mr. Smith goes on to say, "Many companies are pushing their cleaning crews to the max, and labor can only produce so much. Landlords are asking their staff to clean elevators every 15 minutes. It's just not a realistic strategy. Cleaning products and spraying in the air can cause harm to humans in enclosed environments such as elevators and are not good for long term use."
About: Ashla Systems designs, installs and helps maintain UV-C light systems in elevators. The light system is installed inside the elevators and activated when the infrared system detects no human presence inside. Sweeping the area with penetrating UV rays and killing all virus and bacteria inside both airborne and on surfaces. The system needs to only run for 10-15 min intervals.
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Related link:
Ashla Systems is using Ultraviolet Rays (UV-C) Technology to create smart elevators that kill coronavirus and 100s of other viruses
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